Analysis of Inner Flow Field and Response of Step Pressure of Hydraulic Helmholtz Resonators

Titile: Analysis of Inner Flow Field and Response of Step Pressure of Hydraulic Helmholtz Resonators Authors: Du, R., Ke, J., Yu, L. Journal: Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering (机械科学与技术, in Chinese) Abstract: Simulating inner flow in hydraulic Helmholtz Continue reading Analysis of Inner Flow Field and Response of Step Pressure of Hydraulic Helmholtz Resonators

Ölhydraulik und Pneumatik (O+P)

Deutsch: Ölhydraulik und Pneumatik (O+P): Zeitschrift für Fluidtechnik, Aktorik, Steuerelektronik und Sensorik Organ des Forschungsfonds der Fachgemeinschaft Fluidtechnik im VDMA. Mainz : Vereinigte Fachverlage Krausskopf-Ingenieure Digest, Deutsche ISSN 0341-2660 (1976-) Electronic version of the journal Supplement: O+P report, ISSN Continue reading Ölhydraulik und Pneumatik (O+P)